Thursday, April 16, 2009

Plumb Lucky Trial Nursery Day One

Leeton, Mo. The weather has so far been with us as it is a beautiful day with a light wind - going in the right direction. Today's trial didn't start until 4PM and was only a single nursery class. The sheep are Katahdins and it is a rolling green grass field. An added distraction for the dogs was the addition of some curious guinea fowl who were prowling the trial field.

Guineas on the trial field
Unfortunately, they did confuse one dog who left on his outrun only to come in behind the birds and try to bring them towards their handler. Scott is splitting up his nursery dogs so today he only ran Jess and Whiskey. (I know, I've never mentioned Whiskey - update in a minute) Jess was keen to start her outrun but was a little confused by the hills and came in too early on her outrun. She did stop every time Scott asked and even gave ground but just couldn't understand that if she'd look a little further up she'd see them. She crossed over and picked up the sheep from the other side. The sheep lifted to our left and stayed on the left side of the fetch line, missing the panels (a common problem with the young dogs).

Jess on the fetch
Around the post and then a wobbly line to the drive panel. The drive panel was made but Jess was again confused on the crossdrive and as the sheep started to go low she froze. By the time Scott and her were working together again the sheep had missed the panel and they were on their way to the pen. She did a nice job at the pen and Scott closed the gate on them before the time was up.Penning with Jess
Whiskey - (belongs to us - out of Dal Kratzer's Tib, mother of National Champion Star and his Shep) was also uncertain about the hills on the outrun. However, Whisk did look up enough to see the sheep and managed to pick up his sheep on the same side he was sent. Again there was a fetch to the left of the line and missed panels.

Whiskey on the fetch
His turn around the post was good and his line to the first panel was on but there was some wobbling in front of the panel. Finally, he got them through and then had a nice line on the crossdrive until he hesitated right in front of the crossdrive. All was well though and he did make the panels but unfortunately, the time ran out just as Scott was closing the pen door so there were no points for that.

Alasdair MacRae dominated the day with 3 dogs in the top 5.
Nursery Day one: (unofficial) 18 dogs
1. Alasdair MacRae and Fox
2. Alasdair MacRae and Hanna
3.4. (tie not broken) Alasdair MacRae and Fox and Rose Anderson and Buzz
5. Lyle Lad and Jig
6.Rose Anderson and Jing
7. Mike Goracke and Sam
8. Emile Ludeke and Ladd
9. Mickey Welsh and Bo
10. Wyat Fleming and Victor

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